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Amy's Baptism Story

By Isaac Harris
In IBC Stories
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“Prison was the worst experience, but the best experience for me because I found Jesus.”

After years of struggling with addiction, Amy found herself getting into the driver’s seat of a car on a night that would change her life forever. Amy was intoxicated to a point that she still doesn’t fully remember the events of that night to this day. What the police report and eye witnesses would later tell was that she drove her car into a parked car and telephone pole before striking and injuring a pedestrian.

She went to prison for a year.

“Prison was the worst experience, but the best experience for me because I found Jesus,” Amy said. Early on in her sentence, Amy started attending chapel twice a week and she couldn’t wait to go back each time. It was here that she heard from local faith-based volunteers about a man named Jesus who loved her no matter what. It was here that she placed her faith in Jesus Christ. And it was also here that Amy had conversations about Irving Bible Church.

In 2020, Amy would finish her year-long sentence and be released from prison. Next stop, Irving Bible Church. Since then, Amy has been attending IBC and anxiously waiting for the next opportunity to get baptized. On June 27, surrounded by her church family in Town Square, Amy came up out of the water as she was raised to walk in the newness of life.

“The physical act of going underwater and coming back up as a new creation was very important to me,” Amy said. “I wanted to make that declaration to myself and the Lord.”

October 3 is another day of declaration. If you or someone you know have professed their faith in Jesus and have yet to be baptized, we would love to invite you to make that declaration on October 3. If this is a step that you would like to prayerfully take, register at and attend our baptism class on Sunday, September 19 at 12:15 p.m.

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