Find Your Place
Serving your church body is one of the best ways to worship God, meet new people, and make a big church feel smaller. Plus, it's fun! Keep scrolling to explore some of our serving opportunities, or click the button below if you're ready to take the next step.

Sunday mornings
weekly or bi-weekly
As a member of our Connections team, you’ll ensure that everyone who walks through our doors receives a warm welcome. Provide support on Sunday mornings by directing parking, holding doors, ushering, or helping visitors get connected with their next steps at IBC.

Sunday mornings
weekly or bi-weekly
Serve kids from birth-5th grade as a classroom leader or 1:1 buddy, connecting our littlest IBCers with the love of Jesus. Not available on Sunday mornings? Consider helping the Kids team prep and organize supplies during the week or with Kids+, which helps provide care for kids during weekly ministries at IBC.

Sundays or Wednesdays
Serve 6th-12th graders as a group leader on Sunday mornings or hang out with students at Youth Nights on Wednesdays (or both!). Plus, there are opportunities throughout the year to help coordinate and chaperone mission trips and camps.

Sunday mornings
schedule varies
Music-lovers of all skill levels are invited to join our IBC choir. The choir performs 5-6 times a year on special Sundays like Pentecost and Christmas Eve, with a required practice before each performance (no auditions required). Or join our worship band and use your talent singing or playing an instrument to lead others in meaningful worship experiences (auditions required).

Arise Special Needs
Sunday mornings
weekly or bi-weekly
Serve in our dedicated Arise space, which is specifically designed for kids, teens, and adults who need more specialized care and attention. Or serve as a buddy, allowing our friends with special needs to participate in ministries alongside their peers throughout campus. Wherever you decide to serve, you’ll be ensuring that IBC is a place for all families to belong.

Sunday mornings
schedule varies
Our weekly worship services take the skill and coordination of a team of volunteers who support audio, video, and lighting production — operating cameras, running the lighting and graphics, coordinating with stage set up, and more. Training is provided.

Prayer Team
As Needed
schedule varies
Have a passion for prayer? As a church body, we’re called to lift each other up in prayer. Our prayer team commits to actively praying over and for the needs of the people, the ministries, and events at IBC.

Big Events
As Needed
schedule varies
Want to help support big events throughout the year? Annual events like our Easter Festival, Thanks for the Nations, and Family Weekend take a big team of IBCers working to plan, set up, cook, serve, and clean up.
Ready to serve?
Click below to fill out an application. A member of our team will contact you soon!