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Transformation in Honduras

By Grayson McGovern
In IBC Stories
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 Hi everybody! I’m Grayson, I recently graduated from high school and had the opportunity to go to Honduras with High School at IBC.  I am so excited to share some of what I experienced in Honduras. We accomplished so many things, and the longer I have thought about it, the more I appreciate and absorb just how incredible God is.

While in Honduras we worked with IBC partner Serve Hope. Our main project was to build a house. I have never seen a group of people work so diligently in my life. I know that we built the house with our hands, but none of that strength came from us alone. Building the house was only possible with the strength of God. As we began to wrap up, I saw pure joy in these kiddos as we lifted them to touch the ceiling. Seriously, I’ve never seen smiles or heard laughs like that in my whole life.

After working all day, we gathered to gift the new home to this sweet Guevarras family. Together we sang, “This is Amazing Grace” and celebrated how good God is. How amazing His grace is, how His love is unfailing, how He laid down His life so that we could be set free! Olga, the mother of the Guevarra family, spoke to all of us. She told us how thankful they were. A woman from her church told us about how they had been praying for a house for so long, and that we were making their dreams come true.

God! Answers! Prayers!!!!

Amber and Jared spoke and prayed over the family. We prayed that the house would be a part of their testimony and that it would be a place where they would share the gospel. The unity felt on the porch at that moment can only be described as the Holy Spirit. We prayed that the home would always be full of safety, comfort, and laughter.

That evening we hosted the teachers from EduCafe, Serve Hope's education initiative. We invited them to our hotel to eat dinner and celebrate all of the incredible things they do. Teachers in Honduras do not receive enough recognition or appreciation. So we wanted to show them that their hard work does not go unnoticed! The best part of the evening was when we washed their feet. When I heard we were going to wash their feet, I immediately wanted to say no. It made me uncomfortable. But at some point, something shifted in me. Jesus had the humility to wash his disciple’s feet. Who am I to let my discomfort stop me from showing love to other people? The awkwardness turned into something completely beautiful. The nervous laughs turned into tears flowing down faces. Washing someone’s feet is so much more — it’s love, humility, respect, and vulnerability. It displays that we are all equal and deserve to love and serve one another just as Jesus did.

Would you join me to continue to pray for the community in Honduras? The Lord is working in powerful ways.

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