Family Connections by Children at IBC

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Spring forward! This morning as we launched into Spring Break for a great number of you (and on an hour less sleep), we also ventured forward into a new four-week unit titled, "Wandering in the Wildnerness". We began this morning looking at the Book of Numbers, where we see Joshua and Caleb emerge as leaders faithful to God in the face of daunting odds. The Lord instructed Moses to choose one man from each tribe of Israel - so 12 men in all, who would scout the land of Canaan, the land promised to the Israelites. The 12 men saw scary big people and all of them except Caleb and Joshua were afraid to take on the task of taking over the land. Joshua and Caleb were confident in God and in His provision for them and the Israelites. As you continue the conversation this week, remember that those who follow the Lord and trust in Him are often outnumbered in the world and think about what it takes to remain confident in what God has said.  Some starter questions for you: Elementary

  1. Have you ever been in group where your opinion was different from everyone else? What did it feel like? How did you act? Did you speak up? If so, what gave you the courage to do that? If not, what were you afraid would happen?
  2. Do you think that Joshua and Caleb were crazy to trust God? The people they saw in Canaan made the Israelites look like grasshoppers. What do you think it takes to trust God like that?


  1. Is what God says always true? Even if other people don't agree? Where can you always find God's truth?
  2. Joshua and Caleb trusted God when ten other men didn't. Is it hard to believe something when others disagree?

Our next family service opportunity is in connection with our local mission partner, School Works. The School Works Book Fair will take place at IBC on Sunday, March 24th. If you and your family are interested in helping set-up and prepare for this fantastic event, please click this link to sign up. 

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