APRIL 18 | 6:30-8:30 PM | REGISTER TODAY

Come and hear Jon Tyson live, as he sends a powerful call to all men: it’s time to step into the light of Jesus’ vision for you as a man.

Hear key insights from the new book Fighting Shadows: Overcoming 7 Lies That Keep Men From Becoming Fully Alive by Jon Tyson and Jefferson Bethke.


• Who: Men of All Ages - High School/College/Young Adult/and Up
• What: Food & Fun, Worship, Message from Jon Tyson, After Party
When: April 18, 6:30-8:30 PM
• Where: Irving Bible Church | The Commons
• Cost: $40 (includes dinner and copy of the book Fighting Shadows)


Jon Tyson

Born in Australia, Tyson dropped out of school to become a butcher’s apprentice. Following a supernatural encounter with God he followed a calling to become a pastor in the USA, seeking to cultivate renewal in the Western Church.

Jon Tyson is now Senior Pastor of Church of the City New York and a renowned Speaker and Author. Using his humor, passion and personal experience he connects with people to call them to follow Jesus authentically.

He is a powerful advocate for men and fatherhood, as well as Fighting Shadows, he has authored several books including ‘The Intentional Father’. He runs Primal Path, a discipleship program for Fathers and Sons and the ‘Forming Men’ ministry which includes a Podcast with Jefferson Bethke.

He has so much wisdom to impart in these areas – don’t miss this opportunity to hear him in person!


Fighting Shadows: Overcoming 7 Lies That Keep Men From Becoming Fully Alive by Jon Tyson and Jefferson Bethke.

Where our models and mentors have failed us, based on their years of working in men's ministry, Bethke and Tyson bring good news!

This book will help men to:

- overcome the temptations of escapism, passivity, or overcompensation;
- combat the most harmful shadows that men battle today, including loneliness, apathy, distraction, lust, and shame;
- embrace masculinity as a God-given gift, not a curse to be avoided, suppressed, or battled.

An entire generation of men is being told they should abdicate the responsibility and joy of living into God's calling on their lives—don't be one of them.

If you're a man who's wondering what to do with your strength, your longings, and your gifts, it's time to step out of the shadows. Jesus has a vision for you.

Don't miss it!