Good news! Renovations on our indoor playground are complete, and it is open during building hours.

We believe that becoming a multi-ethnic church reflects God’s vision for his kingdom.

One of the ways we begin this journey in becoming a multi-ethnic church is to enter into conversations around race and ethnicity so that we can learn and grow together. The gospel compels us to be agents of reconciliation by seeking unity and engaging in these discussions with grace and humility.

The Conversation Continued

We realize that this conversation is often complicated and you may not even be sure where to start. We’ve created some video resources to help you with that. These include teaching as well as conversations with IBCers focused on a question related to race and ethnicity. These are candid conversations where they have shared their personal opinions and experiences about becoming a more fully multi-ethnic church. We encourage you to use these conversations to start conversations with a group of people, such as your Formation group or a group of friends, because we learn best when we learn together.

We will be releasing these video conversations every few weeks so check back periodically to watch the latest ones. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out.

Thank you,

Sissy Mathew

Our Calling: 2025 Vision

We believe God is calling us the people of Irving Bible Church to become a multiethnic movement of missionary disciples formed in the way of Jesus for the sake of the world.

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