Sissy Mathew

Executive & Teaching Pastor

Sissy Mathew serves as IBC’s Executive & Teaching Pastor, overseeing adult ministries at the church. You’ve probably also seen her on stage Sunday mornings delivering an amazing sermon or speaking at other ministry events. Sissy was not born in Texas and, despite our best efforts, is still proud to be a Jersey girl. After leaving a 15+ year career in the corporate world, she came to Texas in 2015 to study at Dallas Theological Seminary, and just never left! She currently lives in Irving with her best friend Mary (another native New Yorker). In her free time she loves to cook, try out new restaurants, and enjoy great food and conversation around the table with friends and family. If you’re new to IBC and trying to figure out where you fit in, Sissy’s advice is to just take the risk! Get involved in community here and be willing to share yourself with others because we need each other as we grow in our discipleship to Jesus.

Sissy could talk forever about: food and Jesus.