Shannon Pugh

Pastor of Care and Special Needs

Shannon Pugh currently serves as Pastor of Care and Special Needs, caring for those in difficult circumstances by overseeing both Hope & Healing ministries and IBC’s special needs ministry, called Arise. A big part of her job is ensuring that everyone who walks through our doors feels welcomed, valued, and empowered. While originally from St. Louis, Shannon got to Texas as fast as she could at two years old. She lives in North Dallas with her husband Corbin and their frenchie/pug mix Jojo (she would like a sloth, but sadly does not have the money for a permit or habitat.) She can often be found at home honing her video game or cross stitching skills. Shannon’s prayer for IBC is that we would be a beacon of light to our community, like a lighthouse leading people out of darkness and into a place of safety and community.

Shannon could talk forever about: how all churches should welcome families with special needs (her favorite soapbox).