Young Adult Nights

Every Thursday Until December 18 at 7:00 pm  |  The Commons · Irving Bible Church

2435 Kinwest Parkway, Irving, TX, USA


What to Expect on Thursday Nights:

Every Thursday night, we’ll gather together at 7 p.m. at tables to hear a brief message and spend the majority of our time discussing the topic. The tables are intentionally small with 6-8 young adults at each one. They are designed to go deep as soon as they begin. A key feature of these groups are weekly challenges and exercises that move the content from the table into daily life.

Our Current Series:

Deceived Deceiver

Starting on March 13, we’ll explore what happens when we believe a lie. When sin entered the world it came in the form of a lie. A subtle change to the word of God spoken by the deceiver to Eve. “Did God really say?” “Can God be trusted?” Eve believed the lie, so did Adam, and so do we. Not only do we believe the lie, we spread the lie. We are deceived, deceivers.

But God in his grace has not left us alone in our deception. He has given us the truth of his Word, the example of Jesus, and the power of the Holy Spirit to fight against lies and believe the truth.