Discover your place
in God’s big world

Sundays at 9 & 10:45

We’re a diverse and vibrant community growing in Jesus, diving deep into Scripture, and rolling up our sleeves to love and serve our world.

Plan A Visit

Trying out a new church can be hard. We’ve got the scoop on parking, kid check-in, worship, and more to help take the guesswork out of your next visit.

Build Community

You weren’t designed to live life alone. Whether it’s in a large or small group setting, we’ve got a spot for you to feel welcome, known, and encouraged in your walk. 

Find Support

If you’re walking through a tough season, let us walk alongside you. We have pastoral support, care groups, and other on-campus resources that are here to help.

Easter at IBC

Jesus' resurrection triumphs over the darkness in the world — and in our hearts. That's what we're celebrating this Easter Sunday, and we want you to be there with us.

Our Campus

Church isn’t just a Sunday thing for us. That's why our building is open and available to the community every day of the week. So grab a cup of coffee, take a walk through our prayer garden, or let your kids explore our indoor playground. We want you here.

Come Check Us Out

Let’s plan a visit together! We can’t wait to meet you.

New to IBC? Meet our pastors and learn more about us at EXPLORE on Sunday, April 6 at 12:15 p.m.
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