About Us


Finding a church home can be hard, but we want to make it easy. Take a look around to learn a little about who we are. Whether you've already visited, or you're just kicking the tires from home—we're glad you're here.

Get To Know Us

Our Mission

We exist to help our diverse community follow Jesus and bless the world.

About Our Mission

Our Vision

God is calling us to become a multi-ethnic movement of missionary disciples, formed in the way of Jesus for the sake of the world.

About Our Vision

Our Beliefs

In essential beliefs, we have unity. In nonessential beliefs, we have liberty. In all our beliefs, we show love.

About Our Beliefs
Dr. Barry Jones

Senior Pastor

Dr. Barry Jones and his wife Kim have three children and live in Irving, TX. The Jones family loves outdoor activities and you can often catch them camping, hiking, or mountain biking. Barry and Kim both love to travel, and enjoy introducing their favorite destinations to their kids whenever they have the chance.

Barry completed his master’s degree at Dallas Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in theology at Wheaton College. Before becoming senior pastor at IBC, Barry served on the preaching team and pastoral staff, while also serving as a member of the faculty at DTS. His passions are to teach scripture, make disciples, and train future leaders who are deeply rooted in their faith and vitally engaged in the world around them. For more about Barry, check out his full bio.

You can find Barry hanging out by the stage after worship services—if you’re new, make sure to introduce yourself!

Our Team

From accounting to big-church worship, meet the team that makes ministry happen at Irving Bible Church.

Our Values

Formed By Scripture

We look to the Bible to shape our character, our convictions, and our future.

Focused On People

We welcome and care for all people, just as they are.

United In Diversity

We believe our unity is made richer by our differences.

Moving Toward Healing

We cultivate spaces that nurture spiritual, emotional, and relational health.

Living On Mission

We bring the hope of Jesus to broken places and hurting people.

Being like Jesus means serving our neighbors — around the corner and around the world.

More About Us

Our History

At Irving Bible Church, our rich history fuels our future vision.

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Our Campus

Our campus is open to the community every day of the week.

Building Info


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A logo that means something.
A logo that means something.

Meet our new logo! The Bible was part of our visual identity years ago and this year we brought it back in a fresh, modern way.

We can't wait tomeet you!

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