Youth Nights

June 19, 2024 6:30 - 8:30pm  |  Youth Worship Room · Irving Bible Church

2435 Kinwest Parkway, Irving, TX, USA

Every Wednesday Night

Who: 6-12th Grade

What: A fun Hang out, Share a free Meal, Worship & Topical Message, and more relational games and fun

When: Wednesday Nights, 6:30-8:30PM

Where: Youth Worship Room/Youth Lounge

Why: We believe that Youth at IBC are a sent people and as such, this evening is in place so they can easily invite friends to that might not know the hope and love of Jesus, and that all youth might experience that through a fun, safe, and spiritual environment.

This is also for anyone who is visiting Youth at IBC for the first time and wants to know more about God and what its like to experience belonging with God’s people.