Youth Mission Trip
July 20 - 25 | Mission, TX
Middle and high school youth are invited to apply for our summer 2025 mission trip to the Rio Grande Valley! Mission, TX is located in the Rio Grande Valley, a region of Texas that sits on the border of Texas/Mexico. The way of life experienced here is completely unlike what many of our students have experienced. This trip allows students to care for and develop empathy for a group of image-bearers who likely have vastly different experiences than their own. Our team will serve the town through things like trash pickup, hosting a local Vacation Bible School, and caring for the area in whatever other ways we can.
Please note, there are limited slots available for this trip. Please click below to apply and we’ll send final information to families by March 16.
When: July 20-25
Where: Mission, TX
Who: All youth ages 6th-12th grade
What: A trip full of adventure, serving, exploring, and new experiences
Questions? Contact Bailey Catone at