Membership Class
March 9 1:00 - 3:00 pm | Adult Ed A & D · Irving Bible Church
Our next membership classes are happening on March 9 & 16 (both classes are required).
Becoming a member is a way to show your commitment to the people and the vision of Irving Bible Church. In line with our church constitution, we offer membership classes several times a year to anyone age 18 and above who possesses the following qualifications:
- A profession of saving faith in the person and work of Jesus
- Affirmation of IBC’s core beliefs
- Christian baptism of any kind
Our membership process requires attendance at two classes, after which candidates will be reviewed and approved by the elder board. Once you become a member, no additional classed are required.
All our ministries and programs are open to members and non-members alike, but membership offers a unique way to connect with and support the life of IBC.