Jasmine’s Story

Isaac Harris   -  

Jasmine Bibbs was introduced to the church at a young age, but she didn’t always have a relationship with the Lord. That changed in college, and she began faithfully serving local churches. Little did she know, the place that had once brought so much joy would soon become a place of hurt. One day she found herself saying, “Lord, I don’t care where I go, I just can’t be here anymore.”

When Jasmine began searching for a new church, she knew she wanted a multi-ethnic community where she could thrive as a young adult. She found Irving Bible Church online and decided to give it a shot. For years she attended but avoided getting overly involved—until one day she was asked to lead the annual women’s Christmas event.

“It was definitely a God thing. If it were up to me, I would still just be going to the young adult ministry. The Lord used IBC to renew my mind about what women’s ministry can look like,” Jasmine said.

It hasn’t just been women’s ministry that Jasmine has gotten involved with at IBC. She recently got back from a mission trip to Honduras, helping to train and encourage local entrepreneurs.

“Coming out of an environment of church hurt, IBC was a place of healing for me,” Jasmine said.

God is with Jasmine. God is with us.