Women’s Summer Bible Study
Every Tuesday Until July 15 at 6:30 pm | The Commons · Irving Bible Church
Join us on Tuesdays, June 3 – July 15 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. as we walk through “Stones: Making God’s Faithfulness the Bedrock of Your Faith” by Kat Armstrong.
Throughout Scripture, stones are more than just objects; they are powerful symbols of God’s presence, provision, and promises. In Stones, Kat Armstrong takes us on a journey through five biblical stories where stones bear witness to God’s faithfulness—reminding us that He is always working, always near, and always writing a greater story in our lives. This study invites you to see your own faith journey through the lens of these powerful stories.
Join us for this six-week study where you’ll gain a deeper understanding of God’s character, be challenged to trust Him in the uncertainties of life and see how His faithfulness in the past gives us hope for the future.
Kids+ available with reservation.